Bollywood Music Director Sneha Khanwalkar who rose to fame with Oye Lucky Lucky Oye seems to be on a luck trip as she gets none other than the King of Bhangra Daler Mehndi to croon a song for movie Gangs of Wasseypur! A hit music director from the heart of India and the Bhangra sensation from the North – they are sure to create something smashing and exceptional. The movie is directed by Anuraag Kashyap & based on the coal mine mafia, and the casting includes Manoj Bajpai, Nowazuddin Siddiqui, & Richa Chadha.
Heralded as the King of Bhangra, Mehndi is acknowledged worldwide for delivering rocking Bollywood tracks! It is not surprising that the versatile singer besides delivering and reigning Bhangra Pop and Bollywood numbers has now transcended into the realms of Sufiana. His music label DRecords has released Bismillah, and soon going to release another Sufi album ‘Soul to Supreme’.
With an array of smashing hits in his basket Daler Mehndi would sure create a fume with his song in Gangs of Wasseypur!
I believe the sharpness that was there in Daler Mehndi in not there now. I remember the youth was excited to listen and dance on his songs. I love Old Hindi Songs and new ones too but very few.